
Please don’t think that this is a gratuitous attempt to insult the reader….it’s just the popular name of a pressure group in Lebanon which is demanding that the government do something about the waste crisis in the country. Those inhabitants who live near the main municipal dump have said “no more” and as a result,…

Divestment (Part 2)

The FT reported yesterday that ‘Funds worth $2.6tn pledge to dump coal’. So, where does the industry go from here? At the recent European Energy Venture Fair (http://bit.ly/1iwmyFU), I heard an excellent talk by Peter Tertzakian (http://bit.ly/1MpLEk7) during which he observed that the oil & gas lobby is doing as much as it can to…

Time is running out

Ok I’m going to start at the beginning, I joined Shell International in The Hague in 1985 as a young engineer because…. well why not and the pay was great. I have worked in the energy industry ever since and today I will not work for industries that develop new reserves of coal or oil…

A need for nuance

Investors in the energy and environmental space know that, for better or worse, policy matters. Some examples are obvious, like direct government subsidies for renewable power generation. Others are equally recognisable but have a more indirect impact, like landfill tax. And then there is a large number of ‘micro’policies such as industry- and product-specific standards…

Does it make sense to import wood for energy?

Suffice it to say, initially, that I believe the world’s present-day managed and semi-natural forest areas can sustainably produce a much greater biomass yield than they do, at present, and thus provide reliable energy, with some degree of carbon savings, while incurring no land use change at all. This is what the consultants’ reports tell…

The Canaries in the Coal mine

From its origins in the coffee houses of London during the late seventeenth century until now, the modern insurance industry has always been affected by the vagaries of the weather. The Lutine Bell traditionally rang out in the Lloyd’s Building in London to alert underwriters to impending bad news like the sinking of a merchantman…