Delivering a lasting advantage

There is increasing pressure on manufacturers, from both government policy and customer demand, to improve the sustainability of their products while also meeting stringent cost and performance requirements. In this white paper, we interview John Bonas, managing director of Alvant, an advanced materials company that specialises in the design, development, testing and manufacture of aluminium…

Next generation medical technology M&A

Case study: Oval Medical Technologies Oval is a Cambridge-based developer of novel auto-injectors that allow patients with chronic medical conditions to self-administer medication. With Turquoise International providing M&A advice, find out what Oval has achieved. Turquoise’s latest case study, ‘Oval Medical Technologies’, is now available to download here.

LCIF Investee SME and Schottel Hydro merge plans

Low Carbon Innovation Fund portfolio company Sustainable Marine Energy merges with Schottel Hydro Sustainable Marine Energy (SME), a portfolio company of the Low Carbon Innovation Fund (LCIF) managed by Turquoise, has merged with the tidal energy operations of Germany-based Schottel Group, a manufacturer of propulsion and steering systems for ships. The decision follows the two…


“Escape of Water” (EoW) is widely acknowledged to be a major problem for the insurance industry. Burst pipes and their consequences are estimated to cost insurers at least £1.8m in claims every day and last winter’s “Beast from the East” cost them £194m in one quarter alone according to the Insurance Times. Whereas older properties…

Natural Resources Ltd – Plastic-free potential

In this whitepaper, we interview James Gardiner of Natural Resources Ltd (NRL). He discusses how new technology can allow pulp paper to provide an alternative to plastic in the manufacture of bottles and other packaging. James also explores how social concerns and new regulatory drivers are helping to promote a more energy-efficient and cost-effective manufacturing…

Fashionable Investing

The role that fashion plays amongst investors is often underestimated. One would be forgiven for thinking that investment policy is driven principally by expected future financial returns but with the rise of ethical investment funds, this is not necessarily the case and perhaps never has been. “Sin” stocks are increasingly traded at a discount and…

Meet the Turquoise team: David Casale

Business What has been the most significant technological development of recent years? The most recent one. Humankind’s ability to develop technology is core to our very existence. All technology is significant and limiting ourselves to one perspective on any single technology is meaningless. Penicillin applied right now in many areas of the world would be…