Divestment: The rights and wrongs

Climate-driven divestment is all the rage. Recent high-profile announcements by large investors, such as the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund, that they are considering selling out of companies whose business relies on the production or consumption of coal has set the cat among the pigeons in the fossil fuels world. The coal lobby has denounced the…

Who should pay for climate change?

Often,  giving people  a  reason to think  or  act in  a certain way is  one  of the most powerful tools  one can  employ. The hope  of those concerned about climate change is that these reasons can be mutually communicated and agreed at the Conference of the Parties (to the UNFCCC) in Paris later this year.…

Insurance & Climate change

Insurance & Climate change My  day  was  brightened  this  morning  by  noticing  a  colourful  advertisement  in  my  newspaper  of choice for the new Coral Reefs – Secret Cities of the Seas exhibition which is being staged by the Natural  History  Museum.  It  was  not  so  much  the  witty  depiction  of  the  reef  denizens  as stay …